Thursday, March 24, 2011

God's Imagination

Life. Human lives. Society. Culture. Nature. Colors. Brilliance. All of these topics (along with MANY others) come into my mind when I think of God's creation. His workmanship. His power. His strength. His imagination is incomprehensible. As I was coming home from dinner tonight, my family and I saw something rather unique. It was a cloud--but not just any ordinary cloud. This cloud was shaped like a U.F.O. I had seen many other clouds like it before, but this one struck me. I had never really really looked at a cloud like this before. Of course, I had learned in classes and TV shows that there were different clouds out there. Cumulus...Nimbus...Cumulonimbus! And I had even seen other clouds similar to this one. But this one struck me. It was unique. In fact, it was rather odd, but beautiful. It was oddly beautiful. This got me thinking of how God has such a diverse and creative imagination. Thankfully, my dad had my camera in his car. So! I get to show you.
Maybe it's just me, but I think that that's amazing. How did it form like that? Where did it form like that? Why did it form like that? A meteorologist would probably give a remarkable scientific reason. Hydrogen atoms probably do some dramatic interchange with water molecules to form a symphony of shapes--thereby forming this U.F.O. Of course, it's probably a lot more difficult and complex than that, but that just makes God's imagination all the more amazing! He is able to mix something oddly beautiful, with a reasonable and scientific explanation. That's just cool. And He doesn't just limit it to clouds! No no no! There's more! Animals, plants, mountains, stars! All of these are beautifully scientific! They were made with protons/neutrons/electrons, and turn out to be color wonders of the sky, ground, water! How magnificent is God's imagination.